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08/13/2003 Entry: "Creating your life from the inside-out vs "Trance-actions ""

Knowing Yourself from the Inside-out vs. “Trance-actions”

Clients come to me to help them change their lives in some way. Usually they don’t really know what is wrong so much as they just feel bad because something or someone else is upsetting them in some way and they feel powerless to fix the problem. Instead of wanting something positive in their life, they simply want something negative to stop. However, until a problem is clearly identified and a positive change specifically conceptualized, the chances of a person creating what they really want in their life are slim.

The way to create that clear picture of what is desired is to ask the right questions so that the client must focus attention inside their own experience to come up with the answers. In doing so, they are gaining awareness of their own true thoughts, feelings, wants, needs and knowledge. Once the picture of desire is in place, the person has developed more knowledge and strength of self and a habit of going inside to find the answers. There is so much magic in this practice that it seems as if a genie has been let out of a bottle and has granted wishes. Clarifying one's mind and staying in the now is the way to healing and manifesting your dreams. That is how all good therapy works.

How can anyone achieve what he or she wants in life if they aren’t even familiar and clear with themselves and if they don’t have the habit of strengthening their creative and generative skills?


Today I allow myself to STOP, Breathe and Center myself in peace now. I can relax and know what I am feeling, thinking, wanting and intending before I Choose to act or speak.

Replies: 1 Comment

wow this is good stuff Victoria...

Posted by Jelveh @ 08/24/2003 03:52 AM CST






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