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Sunday, June 29, 2003

What is the highest thought you can think right now? Remember it at least three times during each day for a week. Add one more repetition for each negative thought in which you catch yourself indulging.

Affirmation: I am the only one who can control my thoughts. I accept that responsibility now.

Posted by Victoria @ 11:29 PM CST [Link]

Monday, June 2, 2003

Living in the Now, everything is perfect. It is only when you feel emotions or think thoughts from the past or when you imagine horrors from a hallucinated future that you experience disharmony. In the now you are perfectly capable of handling life. Think about it. In 99.9% of your moments isn't everything really OK? In the other.1% when you really have an emergency, you are too busy to worry or get into some other unresourceful state. You are handling the situation.

If, at times, a feeling or repetitive thought seems to "come over you", when "it just happens", and you feel powerless to change it, that is a TRANCE. It is only when you keep your focus on other people, places and situations that you ignore the tension that is creeping over your body and allow the trance state to come over you. In effect, at that time, nobody is at home in your body. Your body has no consciousness. The focus is on that problem and not in the now.

Your body is the way to the now. "It" can't just "come over you" when your body is in the state of relaxation. First, you have to withdraw your focus of attention from the drama in front of you, and then you have to attend the only things you really can control - your body, your state, and your choices.

You can Stop -Breathe-Center yourself and relax your body and-CHOOSE PEACE NOW!!! From that center, your mind is clearer, you are in your true power, and you are free to say, do and be what is best for all concerned.

AFFIRMATION: I do have a choice, and I choose to maintain the power in my life to be healthy, happy and peaceful. I allow others to choose for themselves and I choose peace and personal power now.

Posted by Victoria @ 01:47 PM CST [Link]


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